Lucia Bosone

Ph.D. in Psychology.
Behavioural decision-making, social-cognition, persuasion and marketing.

Research Activities

2016-2017 Associate Lecturer- Department of Social Psychology, the Open University (East Midlands, UK)
Associate Faculty Member- Leeds University Business School (UK)
2015-2016 Teaching and Research Fellow- Department of Social Psychology, Université Lumière Lyon 2 (France).
Expert consultant for the cabinet d'études Sens et Idées (Lyon), investigating health and wellbeing in the workplace.
2014-2015 Research Associate- Social Psychology Research Group (EA 4163), Université Lumière Lyon 2 (France). Project: assessing the perceived impact of initiatives to decrease mental health stigma. PI: M. Préau.
2011-2015 Ph.D. and Teaching fellow- Social Psychology Research Group (EA 4163), Université Lumière Lyon 2 (France).
2010-2011 Research Assistant- Social Psychology Research Group (EA 4163), Université Lumière Lyon 2 (France). Project: The psychophysiological influence of the type of communication on interpersonal trust. PIs: A. Antonietti and G. Riva.
Expert consultant- TEDDY network (Task-force in Europe for Drug Development for the Young). Project: "A spoonful of info helps the medicine go down", creation of videos promoting children’s pharmacological awareness. PI: M. Felisi. Videos
2008-2009 Research Assistant- AVIS (Association of Italian Volunteers for Blood Donation) and SPAEE (Laboratory of psychology of development and education), Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Milan, Italy). Project: "Open your eyes, make the difference!"; creation of cooperative games for children (10-13 year old) to be used in programs to develop solidarity. PI: A. Antonietti.


2011-2015 Social Psychology, Social Psychology Research Group (EA 4163), Université Lumière Lyon 2 (France). Titre: Persuasion by Vicarious Experience: experimental modelling of the influence of health-promotional messages. Supervisors: F. Martinez and N. Kalampalikis. Grade: with the highest honours
2010-2011 MSc "Social representations and transmissions", Social Psychology Research Group (EA 4163), Université Lumière Lyon 2 (France). Final experimental thesis (in French): "How to Increase Participation of Healthy Volunteers in Clinical Trials? The effect of message-framing and personal involvement on individuals’ attitudes towards clinical trials". Supervisor : F. Martinez (MCF). Grade: with the highest honours.
2008-2010 MSc "Psychology of Development and Communication", Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan (Italy). Final experimental thesis (in English): "Communication and Trust. How narrative style and interaction influence the perception of partner's reliability in a Financial Game". Supervisor: A. Antonietti. Grade: with highest honours (110/110 summa cum laude)
2005-2008 BSc "Psychological Science and Technologies". Final thesis (in Italian): "Cooperative strategies and Games Theory: an educational project to promote solidarity". Supervisor: A. Antonietti


Peer-reviewed journals

  1. Bosone, L. & Martinez, F., (2017). When, How and Why is Loss-Framing More Effective than Gain- and Non-Gain-Framing in the Promotion of Detection Behaviors?. International Review of Social Psychology. 30(1), pp.184–192. Doi: Full text
  2. Bosone, L., Martinez, F., & Kalampalikis, N. (2015). When the Model Fits the Frame The Impact of Regulatory Fit on Efficacy Appraisal and Persuasion in Health Communication. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41(4), 526-539. Doi: Full text .
  3. Bosone, L., Martinez, F., & Kalampalikis, N. (2015). The effect of message framing and the nature of the targeted illness on individuals’ intention to participate in clinical trials. Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée/European Review of Applied Psychology, 65(4), 171-177. Doi : Full text.
  4. Cipresso, P., Villani, D., Repetto, C., Bosone, L., Balgera, A., Mauri, M., Villamira, M., Anonietti, A., & Riva, G. (2015). Computational Psychometrics in Communication and Implications in Decision Making. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 1-10. Doi: Full text .

Chapters and research reports

  1. Martinez, F. et Bosone, L. (2017). Influence sociale et cohérence motivationnelle. Dans Inserm, Agir sur les comportements nutritionnels. Règlementation, marketing et influence des communications de santé, Expertise collective.
  2. Bosone, L., Siméone, A., Reinold, B.& Préau, M. (2015). Etude d’impact des actions visant à développer dans le Rhône la promotion de la santé mentale auprès d’un large public et à lutter contre la stigmatisation. ARS, ADES du Rhône, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Laboratoire GRePS.

Conference proceedings

  1. Bosone, L., & Martinez, F. (2013). Role models increase the effect of regulatory-fit on the intention to adopt dietary-behaviours. Psychology & Health, 28 (sup. 1), 70.
  2. Bosone, L., Martinez, F., & Fieulaine, N. (2012). How to make more salient and effective a message promoting clinical trials. Psychology & Health, 27 (sup. 1), 11.


International conferences

  1. Bosone, L., Siméone, A., Préau, M. (2016). Approche compréhensive et comparative des représentations sociales des troubles de la santé mentale chez des participants du grand public et des professionnels de la santé. IXème Congrès de l’Association Francophone de Psychologie de la Santé, Lyon, France.
  2. Bosone, L., Martinez, F. (2015). L'influence persuasive d'autrui. L'effet de la cohérence motivationnelle par individu modèle dans la promotion des comportements de dépistage.12ème Colloque Jeunes Chercheurs, ADRIPS, Dijon, France.
  3. Bosone, L. (2014). L'effet persuasif d'Autrui dans les campagnes de promotion de la santé: quel modèle pour quel message? 8ème Congrès de l'Association Francophone de Psychologie de la Santé, Liège, Belgique.
  4. Bosone, L., Martinez, F. (2014). Motivated by vicarious models: the effectiveness of social exposure promoting cholesterol screening. 17th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.
  5. Bosone, L., Martinez, F. (2013). Prospect Theory and Health-promotion: -Personal involvement predicts framing-effects on the decision to engage in a risky health behavior.24th Conference - Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision-Making, Barcelone, Espagne.
  6. Bosone, L., & Martinez, F. (2013). Role models increase the effect of regulatory-fit on the intention to adopt dietary-behaviours. Psychology & Health, 28 (sup. 1), 70.
  7. Martinez, F., Bosone, L. (2013). Promoting Detection Behaviors: Untangling the Effects of Loss- versus Non-Gain-Framed Communicational Messages. 27th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Bordeaux, France. (poster)
  8. Bosone, L., Martinez, F., & Fieulaine, N. (2012). How to make more salient and effective a message promoting clinical trials. Psychology & Health, 27 (sup. 1), 11.
  9. Bosone, L., Martinez, F., Fieulaine, N. (2012). Effets du cadrage du message et des caractéristiques de la maladie concernée sur l'intention de participer à un essai clinique.9ème Colloque International de Psychologie Sociale en Langue Française, ADRIPS, Porto, Portugal.
  10. Martinez, F., Mugnier, G. et Bosone, L. (2012). Effets de l'apprentissage vicariant dans le cadre d'un message de prévention fortement menaçant sur l'alcool. 9ème Colloque International de Psychologie Sociale en Langue Française, ADRIPS, Porto, Portugal.

National conferences

  1. Bosone, L. & Martinez, F. (2016). Informations narratives ou statistiques ? La persuasion au travers d’un individu modèle selon la cohérence motivationnelle. 57ème Congrès annuel de la Société Française de Psychologie, Paris, France.
  2. Bosone, L., Reinold, B., Siméone, A., & Préau, M. (2015). Etude d’impact des actions visant à développer dans le Rhône la promotion de la santé mentale et à lutter contre la stigmatisation. Journée de Restitution, ISH Lyon.
  3. Bosone, L. (2015). La persuasion par expérience vicariante. 7ème Journées Doctorales, Genève, Suisse.
  4. Bosone, L., Reinold, B., Siméone, A., & Préau, M. (2015). Peut-on mesurer l’effet d’actions destinées à la (de)stigmatisation de la santé mentale ? 8ème Journée de réflexion du GRePS, Lyon, France.
  5. Bosone, L. (2013). Que feriez-vous si… L’utilisation des scénarii dans la recherche en psychologie. III Séminaire doctorant inter-laboratoires GREPS-LPS. Nîmes, France.
  6. Bosone, L. (2013). Communications persuasives et recherche : l'application des résultats expérimentaux dans le domaine pratique de la promotion de la santé. Doctoriales EPIC, Genève, Suisse.
  7. Bosone, L., Martinez, F. (2013). Promotion de la santé : le rôle de la perception du risque et de l'implication personnelle dans le processus de prise de décision. 6ème Journée de réflexion du GRePS, Lyon, France.
  8. Bosone, L. (2012). Renforcement vicariant et auto-efficacité : comment l'observation des expériences d'autrui influence la prise de décision. 5ème Journée de réflexion du GRePS, Lyon, France.
  9. Bosone, L. (2012). Effets du cadrage du message et des caractéristiques de la maladie concernée sur l'intention de participer à un essai clinique. Journées Doctorales, AFPSA, Paris, France.
  10. Doumergue, M. et Bosone, L. (2011). Résonance mutuelle des stratégies de recherche et des stratégies de faire face. Journée de réflexion du GRePS, Lyon, France.

Teaching activities

The Open University (UK)
Associate Lecturer for the module "Investigating Psychology" (3rd year BSc); supervision of the personal research project of 15 students.

Leeds University Business School (UK)
Supervision of the research project of two students for the MSc in "Data Analytics and Decision Research"

Université Lumière Lyon 2 (France)
Lectures and tutorials for the BSc in Psychology on the following topics: applied social psychology, social influence and gender differences, group dynamics, research methods, introduction to social psychology.
Lectures and tutorials for the MSc in Social Psychology on the following topics: psychology of communication and persuasive communication.
Lectures for the MSc in Health Education and Promotion on the following topic: didactic of health education and promotion.
Supervision of the research project of 3 MSc students (Social Psychology), the internship of 4 BSc students and the research project of 7 BSc students.